Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Top 10 Reasons To Go Bicycling

If there's a Soup Nazi, why not a Bike Nazi?The Bike Nazi is a blogger and cycling advocate from Boise, Idaho that blogs about bicycling to encourage greater use of bicycles for transportation. Recently, he completed a series of posts listing his top 10 reasons for cycling. Following is the list. To read his detailed descriptions regarding each point, just click on the appropriate bullet point. By the way, the name Bike Nazi seems to be a tribute to Seinfeld's Soup Nazi rather than a political affiliation. :-)

Bike Nazi's Top 10 Reasons To Go Bicycling
1. Fun
2. Economy
3. Stress Relief
4. Exercise
5. Self Reliance
6. Sensual
7. Conservation
8. Achievement
9. Environmental Responsibility
10. Pride


1 comment:

Bikeboy said...

Larry - I'm deeply honored that you'd post links to my Top-10 list! (And indeed you read me correctly; although I live in Idaho, I had NO affiliations with facist political groups. There will be some soup for you!)

It's always a delight to hear from other people who share my love of transportation cycling!

Keep the shiny side up, my friend.

Steve aka Bikeboy aka "Bike Nazi"
Boise, ID