Thursday, October 22, 2009

350NOLA Climate Change Event this Sunday

Take action on climate change New Orleanians!

What: Gathering including 350 local musicians w/2nd line thru French Quarter to Bywater
Where: Main gate of Armstrong Park @ Rampart St, New Orleans (on the edge of the French Quarter).
When: Sunday, 25 October 2009 - 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Why: To unite the world around solutions to the climate crisis.

Event as described at the website:
The mounting effects of climate change that have been reflected in increased frequency and force of tropical storms, coupled with sea-level rise, have devastated Louisiana's coastal communities, especially in recent years. The challenges to rebuild the state's communities and economy in light of climate change and a rapidly vanishing coast, has catalyzed efforts around green building, energy efficiency, community resiliency, wetlands restoration, and green jobs creation.

To tackle climate change we need to move quickly, and we need to act in unison - and 2009 will be an absolutely crucial year.

On October 25th, New Orleans citizens will come together to send a clear message that we need action on climate change NOW and our community is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. Join us at Congo Square to send a message that we must change our climate to protect our coast! The rally will begin at Noon then, at 1:45pm we will Second line through the Vieux Carre to Frenchmen Street. Folks are invited to gather at DBA on Frenchmen where the Saints game will be televised.
For more about the International Day of Climate Action, visit

Hope to see you at the 2nd line.

NOTE: This event is being held the day AFTER International Climate Change Day to correspond with the Saints football game and avoid other events taking place on Saturday.


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