Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Cycling To Work Cuts Sick Time

by Larry Lagarde

Commute by folding bikeA recent study in the Netherlands showed that bicycle commuters take fewer sick days than workers that commute by other means.

According to the Dutch Secretary of State for the Ministry of Transport, 27 million Euros (@ $36 million US) could be saved in Holland alone simply by employers encouraging their employees to bicycle to work.

Unlike the USA, compact & flat Holland is one of the world's most bicycle friendly nations, with lots of bike lanes a culture that endorses cycling and plenty of supporting bicycle infrastructure. Still, with the USA having almost 20 times the population of the Netherlands, it's reasonable to assume that a similar or better savings would result from US employers encouraging their workers to commute by bike.

By the way, similar studies in other countries point to the same conclusion. In Transport Canada's webpage on Links between Public Health and Sustainable and Active Transportation, it's noted that the Canadian Medical Association Journal estimates the cost of physical inactivity at $5.3 billion/year...

TNO Study "Bicycling Reduces Sickness Absence In Netherlands"

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