Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Voting Via Folding Bike

by Larry Lagarde

When are you going to vote today?

All across the USA today, it's decision time. Chances are, if you see a long line of people spilling out of a public school, etc., they're probably waiting to cast their vote for president. But many have already voted in this historic election.

At 9am this morning, I was ordering a new skylight at Home Depot (replacing one that was damaged by Hurricane Gustav). Two of the three cashiers I spoke with had voted. One was in line at the polls at 4:40am. The polling location didn't open until 6am and she was the 8th person in line.

Without a doubt, there's a lot of excitement over this election. In Florida, 38% of registered voters voted early - AMAZING! At 10 am this morning (a time when activity at the polls is typically low), I passed my polling place on the way home and there must have been 100 people in line.

It's just after 2:15pm now and in a few minutes, I'll be heading back out on my folding bike to cast my vote. Regardless who wins, the USA will have either it's first "black" president or woman vice president. Whether this feel good moment really matters in the big picture remains to be seen but I'm playing my small role regardless. I encourage you to do the same.

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