Thursday, August 14, 2008

Flexible Bike Mirror For Folding Bikes

by Larry Lagarde

flexible bike mirror mounted on a DownTube MiniI know that some of my readers are about to roll their eyes but I love bicycle mirrors. Over the years, I've used mirrors that mount to my helmet, glasses and handlebars. Surprisingly, the mirror I keep going back to is the trusty, flexible 3" round mirror that mounts to the handlebars. They're not perfect by a long shot but they offer satisfactory rear visibility for tooling around on most of my folders at 15 mph or less (anything over that and it's back to the mirror on my sunglasses).

Of the flexible 3 inch variety, Kent makes the best I've seen. Rather than even try to screw it onto the handlebars, I use a reusable style zip tie. That way, I can remove the mirror instantly. This is a must with a folding bike (when transporting my folding bike folded, permanently mounted mirrors tend to get scratched or damaged).

If you're interested in obtaining one, I'm going to auction a couple on eBay. I also offer them as an option on the E-Z Pack folding bike.

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