Saturday, April 05, 2008

Rowed Trip Week 3 - Near Glasgow

Rowing & Biking from Scotland to England
by Larry Lagarde

When you're rowing in the open sea or bicycling down remote tracks, internet access can be difficult to obtain. Nevertheless, Rowed Trip Expedition adventurers Colin & Julie Angus have managed to communicate at least once a week regarding their progress. This week, I heard from Colin several times. Following are some of his comments regarding the week and a slide show containing photo highlights.

Hello Larry,

I hope all is well. We've just reached Largs, Scotland a few hours ago. The full size folding mountain bicycles have been holding out great, along with the rest of the equipment. We're pleased with progress so far.

Spring has sprung (at least on the calendar), but Scotland still thinks its winter. As Julie and I row and pedal through lashing wind, hail, snow and rain brave daffodils offer the only hint that winter may eventually come to an end...

Our past week journeying down the west coast of Scotland has made us appreciate the versatility of our amphibious setup. When storms threaten while we are on the sea, we scrutinize our maps to find a quiet back road to liberate us from Poseidon's fury. Alternatively, when the road comes to an end at a remote fishing village, we pack our bicycles and trailers into the rowboats and continue by water...

We have travelled about 500 km - about half on water and half on land... We still have over 6,000 km to reach Syria, but are now confident our equipment will endure...

We're off in two hours, and will have quite sporadic communciation over the next week. We expect our update next week will be from England.
To read more Rowed Trip news, visit Colin & Julie's trip blog. A full index of their expedition photos is also available.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We've made it to Penrith, England. The bikes are holding out superbly, without even a flat yet. I'm replacing the breaks today because it's been quite a load going down the hills with the loaded boats!

We expect to reach France in about a month. Will keep you updated...
