Wednesday, March 19, 2008

British Bike Train Video - Circa 1955

For the last 2 months, I've been shepherding a campaign to outfit more Amtrak trains with bikes hooks; however, the concept is not new. In countries such as the UK, bike train cars (outfitted from end to end with bike hooks) have existed for over 60 years. Here's proof:

Over the years, Amtrak has operated bike trains in some markets and offered limited numbers of bike hooks on some trains. Hopefully, with more Americans rediscovering the value of rail travel, Amtrak will reach out to accommodate more cyclists too.

By the way, my thanks to fellow cyclist J. Monti for sharing this nostalgic video.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, credit should be given to fellow folder-enthusiast/New Urbanist "Atlanta Larry" for posting it on his interesting blog:

Also, make sure to watch part 2:
