Friday, December 28, 2007

Crossing America Solo By Bicycle

Hank Verona's Amazing 2359 Mi Bike Tour
by Larry Lagarde

Here's one I dare you to try - riding a 30 year old 10 speed from Jacksonville, Florida to Ramona, California in 25 days - on your own with no sponsors or outside assistance. Sound appealing? It did to 53 year old Hank Verona from Maine.

Hank rode about 100 miles per day. His tour started ominously when some mal contents in a car outside Jacksonville pulled beside him and pushed him off the bike into the grass. Yet another example why Jacksonville was voted least bicycle friendly place in FL... Unfortunately, I don't have much room to talk. Hank said his least enjoyable state to ride through was Louisiana. I know, Hank; I know...

Incredibly, Hank found a hotel or motel to sleep in every night. That's saying a lot when you're riding through lonely southwest Texas day after day.

Although Hank turns 54 tomorrow, he's not ruling out another cross America bike tour. He's even toying with guiding similar tours in the future.

Thanks go to Gene at for bringing this gnarly cool story to my attention. You can also read a longer story about Hank's journey that was published by the Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror.

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