Thursday, August 02, 2007

Paratrooper To Pull A Nomad

When most people fly somewhere within the USA, they rent a car to get around. Well, when I attend TrailLink 2007 next week in Portland, Oregon, I'll have some new wheels too; however, mine won't guzzle fossil fuel for propulsion. Instead, I'll be pushing the pedals of a modern bicycle designed to transport Marines and Special Ops personnel safely and quietly across hostile enemy terrain - the Montague Paratrooper full size folding mountain bike.

With it's beefy aluminum frame and quality components, city streets are no match for the Paratrooper. In fact, this is a mountain bike that begs to be let loose on single track.

Hopefully, I'll find some nice, long bike trails to explore with the Paratrooper. And when I do, I'll have my own lodging in tow - a brand new Nomad bicycle RV tent n' trailer combo courtesy of Tony Hoar at Tony's Trailers.

Tony and I have been talking and corresponding about the Nomad since Hurricane Katrina. At the time, Tony was working on a trailer that could house homeless persons at night and provide a means for them to haul or contain their possessions during the day.

Katrina caused tremendous homelessness in the New Orleans region (a problem that persists to this day) so I contacted Tony about his homeless trailer. Sadly, the value of a pop-up bike trailer as a short term, post-catastrophe emergency shelter didn't register with the suits. On the other hand, long distance touring cyclists loved the concept; hence, the Nomad.

Naturally, I'll be reviewing the Nomad, shooting photos & video for your viewing pleasure. I'll share what it's like to sleep in this bicycle RV and pull it down the road too. It will be interesting to see what sparks more conversations: my "Be a FOLC Hero" t-shirt or the tent on wheels hooked up to a bicycle...

1 comment:

Tim said...

that's exciting news, larry - i'm looking forward to posts from the journey