Thursday, March 29, 2007

NYC Still Overreacting To Critical Mass

by Larry Lagarde

According to a new "parade permit" regulation by the New York Police Dept, it is now illegal for 50 or more bicyclists to cycle together without a permit.

The City of New York has seemingly been at war with cyclists since late August 2004 when over 1800 cyclists were arrested and prosecuted within a 10 day period simply for bicycle riding. One Friday evening alone, over 250 peaceful cyclists participating in a Critical Mass ride (a monthly event in which cyclists ride together in relative safety) were handcuffed and hauled away to the pokey. That night, the bikes of even more cyclists were illegally confiscated by the NYPD.

Naturally, the arrests and confiscations led to lawsuits and counter suits and, ultimately, attempts by NYC to shut down future Critical Mass rides in the city (legal skirmish time line). Thus, it seemed a victory when NYC dropped its lawsuit this week against Times Up!, the grass roots NYC bicycle advocacy group that promotes local Critical Mass rides. Not so. The lawsuit was dropped because the parade permit regs changed (the courts said the old parade permit regs were too ambiguous) and the new regs cannot be applied retroactively.

The new regulations that came out in January mandate that groups of 50 or more walkers, cyclists or other "devices moved by human power" apply for a permit before they can "march" on any street or roadway in New York City (the police wanted the regs to apply to groups of 30+ people but public outcry shot that down).

50 Cyclists in Perspective
If 17 families of 3 (mom, dad & child) planned an outing in NYC (a visit to Central Park, the Bronx Zoo, Manhattan Children's Museum, New York Aquarium, etc.), met up at one location and caravaned to their destination by SUV, no permit is needed. If the same families opted instead to bicycle to their NYC destination from a mutual starting point, they'd need a permit? In other words, Cub Scouts, members of a church congregation, the dad's club for a school, etc. are now forced to apply for a parade permit if they're going to take a bunch of kids bicycling on any street or roadway in New York City. This is insane and others like the 5 Borough Bike Club agree with me.

Bicycles are a form of transportation that is quiet, clean, efficient and healthy. They don't cause potholes or crack water mains and they don't injure 15,000 pedestrians/yr in NYC (like motor vehicles do). If anything, the NYPD should be encouraging cycling and walking, not inhibiting it.

With the next NYC Critical Mass ride scheduled for tomorrow evening, it will be interesting to see how the police authorities react this time.

More info related to this story...
- Amy Landau's Article on Cycling in NYC
- "New Standoff Over Critical Mass as Another Bike Group Sues to Block Parade Regs"
- "3 More Killed This Weekend as 100 Rally for Pedestrian Safety"
- "Time's Up!"
- "Transportation Alternatives"

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