Friday, April 28, 2006

Folding Bikes - The Viable Alternative To Cars

by Larry Lagarde

Earlier this afternoon, I read an email asking why bikes have come so far when cars haven't.

A lighter car is coming; in fact, it's here. Google HPV and you'll find several companies (including one in Texas) that make light, enclosed vehicles. These are human powered machines that can easily exceed 30 mph. Several are made in Holland and Germany and they tend to cost $5-10k.

The problem with HPV's is where to ride them. They're so light that riding in motor vehicle traffic is dangerous due to wind from other vehicles. Since they're so fast, it's dangerous to ride HPV's on dedicated bike/pedestrian paths as other users are unaware of their presence until the last moment...

For now, the only viable alternative to a car is a folding bike. Get the right one and you'll be amazed how empowering folders are. The best ones are sturdy to ride yet will compact to a very small size for storage and can be rolled whether folded or not (minimizing the need to carry them). I've taken my folder into the bank, post office, elevator, train station, onto the subway, restaurant, work... all without a problem. I've even zipped it into a suitcase and taken it on vacation. Try doing that with a car!

For more about folders, visit wikipedia. Most folders are mentioned there.

By the way, I've been riding folding bikes for years. I liked their convenience so much that I sell 2 brands now: Giatex (starts @ $279) & Mobiky ($699). I sell Giatex because they "stretch" to fit the size of the rider; thus, one can serve the entire family. I sell Mobiky because they fold in like 3 seconds and are engineering wonders. Both bikes can roll when folded, ride extremely well & will fit in a suitcase for travel.


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