Thursday, November 17, 2005

Bike PGH Update... More Bikes For New Orleans?

David at Bike PGH just emailed the following to me:

We spoke with our Free Ride! people, and they told me that you left a message on the machine - thanks. We are holding several bike build-a- thons over the coming weeks to get bikes ready for giving to local children and adults who cannot afford bikes. We may be able to build more bikes than we can give away, and in that case, we can always send more down to Plan B. Why don't you check in with us in a couple of weeks?

Naturally, I'll be back in touch with David to see if they were able to come up with more bikes for Katrina victims.

If you have a bike you no longer ride, don't let it sit collecting dust. Donate it to someone that will put it to use. Chances are, at least several Katrina families are in your town and could put those wheels to good use.


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