Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Rita Now A Category 5

At 7 PM CDT (2400 GMT), the National Weather Service reported that the barometric pressure of Hurricane Rita has dropped to 8.98 mb, making it the third strongest hurricane recorded.

Currently the size of the eye of Hurricane Rita is decreasing, indicating that the storm is strengthening even further. More disturbing is that Rita has taken a jog from its track, throwing off the computer models that indicate where the storm will make landfall. As a result, this storm must be watched carefully overnight as it could be heading in a different direction.

Tropical Storm and Hurricane warnings now extend along the entirety of the Texas coastline. Additionally, the government of Mexico has issued a Tropical Storm watch for the Northeast coast of Mexico from Rio San Fernando to the Mexican/US border.

Read the current storm info, why to prepare & how to prepare for this disaster.

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