Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tax Credit For Bicycle Commuting

by Larry Lagarde

If you'd like to see more people commuting by bike, this would be a good time to tell your US senator.

Sometime in the next 48 hours, the US Senate is supposed to vote on the Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008. Essentially, the act extends tax credits for alternate energy projects such as solar, wind and geothermal; however, it also contains a provision to provide bicycle commuters with a reimbursement for expenses related to bicycle commuting (such as buying a bike, bike improvements, repairs, storage, etc.).

The Senate is expected to vote on this legislation either today (Thursday, September 18) or tomorrow (Friday, the 19th). With Republican senators working to vote this act down (the oil lobby doesn't want it to pass PLUS the Republicans don't want the Democrats to have a green victory) it is critical that senators hear that their constituents want this act to pass. So be part of the solution - make a difference by contacting your US senator TODAY.

The League of American Cyclists have a convenient form on their website that will help you contact your senator. To use their form, visit the League's "Action Alert" regarding The Energy Improvement And Extension Act Of 2008. Here's the link:

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