Monday, June 02, 2008

Update: Kent Westport Adult Folding Trike

by Larry Lagarde

If you've been waiting for an adult folding trike, I have good news and bad news.

GOOD: The folding trikes are coming.
BAD: They won't arrive until late July or early August 2008.

Demand is off the charts for the Kent Westport, one of the few adult trikes that fold. The factory is churning out 4 container loads of trikes for distribution within the USA market. Unfortunately, the factory is in China and this is peak season. The result: these adult folding trikes will not arrive until - ugh - late July/early August.

If you want an adult trike, there are other models out there but a folding trike is hard to find. Worksman makes one (Walmart sells it online); the problem is that you'll need to have a bike shop assemble it and (judging by comments from customers) the quality of the components is not all that good.

As an alternative, I like the Tri-Rider trikes. They don't fold but they're in the right price range and the component quality is better. I can also have one to you within 15 days - at least until those run out (which will be soon).

Based on the demand for the Westport folding trike, I do anticipate selling out within a month of receiving them and being back in the same situation again so here's what I'm doing. For those that definitely want to be sure they're getting one, I'm preselling 40 Westport adult trikes. Terms are a non-refundable $20 with the balance due when the shipment arrives. I expect to have 10-15 additional trikes so those that do not want to pay a deposit will just need to keep checking back at the website and order before I'm out.

The presale will begin after I get a confirmation from Kent that they will definitely have the trikes for me (I expect to know later this week). I'm also waiting on Kent to confirm the price of the new trike because production and distribution costs have increased. Once I have these last details, I'll start collecting deposits.


Marrock said... makes one with an interesting folding mechanism and they're available with and without motors... but, unfortunately, they are a bit on the pricey side.

Anonymous said...

The trikes you are referring to are made by DiBlasi, an Italian company which specializes in making mini motor bikes.

DiBlasi trikes fold down into one of the most compact packages I've seen; however, they are pricey. The cheapest DiBlasi trike is the R32; it's $1700 and must be special ordered.

Later this year, the CarryMe folding bike (which I just reported on) will be available in the USA in trike form. Known as the CarryAll, this trike will also fold down into a small bundle; yet the 21 lb CarryAll is 26 lbs LIGHTER than the lightest DiBlasi trike.

Once I've completed my review of the CarryMe DS, I'll decide whether or not to offer the CarryAll trike. Hopefully, the CarryAll will be priced under $1000...

Aunt Chrissy said...

Hi Larry - I have one of these trikes and they're great for running errands. My husband and I both like to use it on weekends for running errands to the grocery store, produce mart, library, etc. They're fun to ride; you get a lot of attention; and best of all, you save a lot of gas! That's quite a lot of bang for your buck!