Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Amtrak Bike Train Builds Steam

Bike Groups Are Asking Amtrak To Simplify Rail Travel For Cyclists
by Larry Lagarde

In mid January, I proposed here on that Amtrak test a service similar to the Canadian Bike Train so more cyclists could bring their bicycles aboard Amtrak trains without needing to box their bikes. A groundswell of positive responses from cyclists around the nation convinced me to take this up with Amtrak. Here's where things stand.

I floated the Bike Train idea with several of Amtrak's marketing folks at their Washington, DC headquarters. My suggestion was received cordially and interest was expressed; however, they suggested that I provide a possible list of places where the Bike Train service might run.

I contacted bike advocacy groups across the nation for input and have been inundated with suggestions as well as offers of support for the project. I pared the list down and submitted it to Amtrak about a month ago.

Although things have been quiet with Amtrak, the buzz continues with cycling groups. I've been invited to attend meetings of various bike clubs and have even been offered airline tickets to fly out to meet folks in person. More importantly, bike groups have been sending letters of support for the project, especially here in the Deep South. Here are links to just a sampling...
Obviously, the Bike Train concept appeals to many cyclists across the USA. Hopefully, Amtrak will find a way to make more accommodations for us.

If your cycling advocacy group would like to contact Amtrak in support of allowing more unboxed bikes on their long distance trains, contact me at the email address listed at the bottom of the page.

1 comment:

Ryan Mlynarczyk said...

we are working on a letter to Amtrak. We have had many problems with our bikes on board. check out our blog entry at entitled "back in the SF Bay"