Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tell Congress To Support Bicycle Projects

The League of American Bicyclists notified me today that a new amendment before Congress threatens funding for bicycle projects across the nation. Basically, the amendment allows states to cut funding for bicycle projects that have previously been approved.

To stop this amendment, all it takes is to contact your congressional representative. Tell them that you oppose the Mica Amendment to H.R. 3074.

Read on for more info.

Support the Priorities Established in SAFETEA-LU

Take Action!
Oppose the Mica Amendment to H.R. 3074

Sorry for the extremely short notice, however we just received word that Congressman Mica, (R- FL), will be offering an amendment to H.R. 3074, the fiscal year 2008 Transportation-HUD Appropriations Act, that strikes a provision that is necessary to ensure that rescissions of unobligated highway contract authority are implemented in a manner that does not undermine the priorities established in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users ("SAFETEA-LU").

In implementing previous rescissions, some States have consistently chosen to target specific programs for disproportionate cuts, programs such as Transportation Enhancements, and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality, which are both major sources of funding for bicycle related projects.

For those of you who have a chance, please call your Congressional Representative immediately to oppose the Mica amendment to H.R. 3074.

Thank you in advance for your efforts.

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