Monday, November 13, 2006

Balancing Mind & Body Requires Working Both

A lot has been written of late about the obesity epidemic gripping America due to all the time our bodies spend at rest while we stare at television, browse online, email, video game, instant messaging, etc. Frankly, I'm not immune either. All too often, I find myself seduced by the siren song of the Internet and end up putting my bicycling off for another day. I'd like to think that I'm managing a rather shaky balance between my indoor and outdoor pursuits; however, my muscle tone tells me otherwise.

My addiction to the Internet is nothing new. In fact, although I just registered today as a member of the Technorati profile, I've been online since 1993, building & maintaining websites since 1996 and blogging since Pyra launched pre Y2K (which is why each of my blog postings end with "posted by Web"). I suppose that means I qualify as a geezer to some but, like Dennis Hopper, this Baby Boomer isn't ready for the rocker anytime soon.

When I'm out riding bike trails and only encounter another cyclist or two, I sometimes wonder if I'm beating a dead horse. Is Humanity destined to become a feeble bodied species that relies on technologies understood only by a small few? Surely, the Internet will continue to develop, becoming even more engrossing in our lives. It's even likely that the day will come when virtual bicycling will rival being out in the open. Certainly, there are advantages to not having to worry about flat tires or getting squashed like a bug by some reckless motorist...

For the record, I for one hope that a virtual cycling experience is NEVER as good as the real thing. Spending life glued to a screen is not a life in balance. As much as we must feed our minds, so must the body be fed.

I'm going to end this post with a challenge: shut down the computer and go take a spin - even if it's around the block. A bike ride might be a calm adventure but adventure it is. Relish it.

Larry Lagarde
Urging bicycling for recreation, commuting, health and a better future.

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